Holistic Programme

Our unique curriculum, developed within the centre, is structured to improve our students’ learning experience and help them towards greater independence in all walks of life. Our ‘life span approach’ gives each student a series of developmentally sequenced goals, which cover all areas of learning. Programmes for each student are continually reviewed and revised to meet the needs of a rapidly changing world. We keep abreast of technology upgrades and incorporate the latest approaches to intervention and skills training. The centre places great emphasis on the use of technology to maximise the potential of all our students. Our curriculum is aligned to the United Nations Conventions on Rights for Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).

At Al Noor we have adopted a Trans-Disciplinary Approach (TDA) to assessment and intervention. Our expert TDA team includes a Special Educator, Speech and Language, Physical and Occupational Therapists, a Psychologist, Social Worker and, of course, the parents. This team conducts an assessment, based on our curriculum, to determine each child’s specific needs. We prepare an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for each student, which includes appropriate goals from the curriculum. It takes into account age, areas of development where improvement is desired and the expectations of parents.

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Our Trans-Disciplinary Intervention team then implements the plan, organising the programme to impart specific skills training. Student responses are documented every day. Regular IEP review meetings are held to monitor each student’s progress and to incorporate any intervention enhancements required. A comprehensive annual report is handed to parents at the end of each academic year.

At the beginning of each academic year a review assessment of each student is done by the Trans-Disciplinary Assessment team, in order to generate a new annual Individual Education Plan. All of our processes are ISO certified.

Our techniques and methodologies:

We employ the latest techniques and methodologies to help our students. These are: